Come Sign with Us!

Come Sign with Us!

Click here to see our class schedule!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sweet Sign: FLOWER

We have so many beautiful flowers blooming all around us in Mansfield! Our Sweet Sign of the week is FLOWER.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sweet Sign: RAIN

We have a rainy forecast this week in Mansfield! So our Sweet Sign for the week is RAIN.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

National American Sign Language Day

Join us in celebrating National #ASLDAY today!

Click here to learn more about #ASLDAY

This annual holiday honors American Sign Language by remembering the first permanent school for the deaf in America, which opened on April 15, 1817.

Click here to learn more about the school

Fun Fact: Our favorite frog from Baby Signing Time, "Hopkins," was named after Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, founder of the first school for the deaf.

Click here to visit the Signing Time website

In honor of #ASLDAY make an ASL ABC Book with your little one! 
Click here for the printable ASL ABC Book
Click here for detailed instructions

Have fun celebrating #ASLDAY with your family today! 

We hope to sign with you soon, 

Sweet Signs

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Welcome to Sweet Signs!

My name is Rachel, and I am excited to open Sweet Signs and bring Baby Signing Time to the Mansfield community. This program has changed the lives of countless infants, toddlers, special needs children, and their families. It transforms the way we communicate with our children, and the way they communicate with us. 

Long before my daughter had a strong verbal vocabulary, she was able to effectively communicate her needs and wants using American Sign Language. When I saw that my baby was able to ask for specific foods, people, toys, and help without using any words, I was hooked and inspired.  As a two-year-old she used her signing vocabulary when her speaking words were hard to understand or when she felt like she was having trouble communicating. The tactile learning provided by signing helped her quickly remember her colors, her letters, her manners, and other developmental goals. As a three-year-old she used signs when she was singing or learning something new, and she still falls back on them when she is hurt or too overwhelmed to communicate her needs verbally.

When our son joined our family in the summer of 2015, I knew it was time to make my dream of being a Baby Signing Time Instructor a reality so I could share our journey and experience with others.

Lakeside Church of Christ in Mansfield and its preschool, Little Hearts School, have graciously opened their doors to us as the perfect location for our programs. I am also excited to join their staff as the Little Hearts School Music teacher.

Consider joining our Sweet Signs family. Our classes will be energetic and educational - full of laughter, learning, and love. Come sign with us!
